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Halifax Bisexual+ Network

We are a dedicated resource center and community hub for bisexual+ individuals in Kjipuktuk (so-called Halifax). Our mission is to create bisexual+ centered social and advocacy spaces.

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What is bisexual+? Why are these spaces important?

Bi+/bisexual+ is an umbrella term that refers to people who experience any kind of attraction to more than one gender. We welcome people of all genders who identify under this umbrella and recognize bisexuality, pansexuality, queerness, questioning, fluidity, and more.


Research shows that people in bisexual+ communities face huge physical health, mental health and economic disparities and feel disproportionately isolated from community. Although bisexual+ people make up the largest portion of the queer community, we often do not have spaces that center our unique experiences. 

Our Monthly Newsletter

Be the first to know about our upcoming events and have access to a newsletter dedicated to bisexual+ culture and media. 

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